Image Source: http://flickr.com/photos/77836908@N05/ |
Maybe you've read in my previous post (
how to become rich) the difference between an asset and liability. I'll say it here again but I'll write some examples this time.
Asset is anything that puts money into your pocket.Here are some examples of an asset:
Real Estate Property
Paper Asset (Stocks/Bonds/Mutual funds)
Liability is anything that takes money from your pocket.Here are some examples of an liability:
Expensive Vacations
When I say "ANYTHING" it really means anything.
Take note that an asset to me can be a liability to you (vice versa) an asset to you may be an liability to me.
An Asset is an asset as long as it produces money or simply puts money into your pocket. If it doesn't, then it's a liability.
Let's use a car as an example:
Let's say (Person A) bought a car for his private transportation.Because of the car here comes expenses (annual registration fee,license,gasoline,insurance,maintenance, etc..)-since these expenses takes money from person A's pocket--his car is a liability.
(Person B) also bought a car and turn it into a taxi.The taxi earns enough that it covers the car's expenses and also provides income.--This is an asset.
So is a car an asset or a liability? The answer is it depends on how you will use it. Same goes with a boat,house,cellphone,computer,etc.